Wednesday, September 07, 2005

~When the levee broke~

When Rome burned…when New Orleans flooded…

When Rome burned in about 64 C.E., it was rumored that the decadent emperor Nero had set the fire himself, to clear land for a new palace. Facing an enraged populace, he blamed the fire on the Christians, multiplying the anger towards them exponentially. To satisfy the public, he had hundreds of Christians torn apart by lions and burned at the stake.

Not much has changed since 64 C.E. as we see today the incompetence from the bottom-up to the top-down! The finger pointing with everyone playing the blame game as the bureaucratic spinning of stories gains traction in the hope that something might stick as fact and masquerade as truth.

After the initial hurricane warnings on Thursday, August 25, The Maginot Mind has an eyewitness account by a member of the Coast Guard who patrolled the streets of New Orleans, until the day before Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc, and witnessed people ignoring the dire warnings as they partied in their homes…just like before Rome burned.


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