~More Green Grass~

Read the posting and comments to the New York Post article at The Huffington Post.
Is it about John's ROTTEN ATTITUDE or is it real? The article read:
"SEX Pistols singer John Lydon isn't impressed with Bono's political activism. The aging anarchist snarled to gigwise.com: "Every time I see Bono in those big fly glasses and tight leather pants I just can't hack it. I can't see that as solving the world's problems. He's crushing his testicles in tight trousers for world peace." Clearly on a roll, Lydon took a shot at another saintly rock royal — Live 8 organizer Bob Geldof. "It was a very shoddy and weak production," Lydon said of Live 8. "And there weren't enough black faces in the show for my liking. I don't don't think it achieved anything. Bob Geldof is too self-serving."
The Maginot Mind would add that The Dave Matthews Band & Pearl Jam are artists who are genuine and authentic toward their fans as opposed to crybaby’s like Metallica and Paul McCartney who want to squeeze every last cent from their fans.
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