a Cuban Cigar ≠ a Buick

Newsflash: American political life and the blogosphere is where emotion masquerades as opinion.
The commentary to the following ad posted by Amazon.com at The Huffington Post on August 23, 2005 at 05:21 PM: “Coming September 2005: ‘Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed’” had produced 120 comments by 04:42PM ET today.
Get a feel for the emotions that ran in this sampling of children’s book titles: "McDonald's Inc. Had a Farm;" “The Big Engine That Couldn't;” "Once Upon a Party;" “My Real Birthday;” “Don't Hop on Pop;” "The Fat Cat in the Hat;” "There Are Liberals Under My Bed" A.K.A. - A Nightmare On Elm Street.”
Some other good conservative books for kids include: “Curious George Stomps A Faggot;” “Why Do Jews Go To Hell, Mommy?” “The Happy Songs Of Slavery;” “The Little Chickenhawks Who Couldn't;” “Little Fake Turkeys For You And Me;” “The Magic Beans Of Enron;” “Daddy's Chinese Bosses;” “Bedtime With The Saudis;” “Make Way For Duct Tape;” and soon to be followed up by:
“Hey Mom! There's An Anti-War Extremist Under My Bed!”
“Hey Mom! There's A Smelly Hippie Under My Bed!”
“Hey Mom! Michael Jackson Is Under My Bed!”
“Hey Mom! There's Forged Documents Under My Bed!”
“Hey Mom! There's Yellow Cake From Niger Under My Bed!”
“Hey Mom! There's Bush's Military Record Under My Bed!”
“Hey Mom! There's A Draft Deferment Under My Bed!”
“Hey Mom! There's a Pissed Off Sunni Starting A Civil War Under My Bed!”
and just in time for when bin Laden is captured...
“Hey Mom! There's Bin Laden Under My Bed!”
Scary Comment Part 3 1/2
There's a Republican under my bed, and he's moving>>>>>
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