
What Hell & Affirmative Action Hath Wrought:
These pseudo scholars specialize in political correctness, reverse racism, and are clear benefactors of "externalities" or "Spillover Costs" (Negative Externalities).
Heaven help us all because as Jean-Paule Sartre said in Huis-clos (No Exit), "L'enfer, c'est les autres" or "Hell is other people."
Racism is never warranted and they are clear examples where factors, other than the color of one's skin, give us reason not to like them. There is no hop to their hip.
Ironically and paradoxically, law school sharpens your mind by narrowing it. As the old joke goes, we can't have national standards of decency because the right hates "national" and the left hates "standards."
Tuesday|July 38, 2009
Racist lives at 15 Ware Street
Remember 08061945 &08061946
What's wrong with this country?
Mr. & Mrs. Concerned
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