Enough is Enough!!!!

This week Boingboing.net takes a look at a new CD by the band Coldplay. Inside, some music fans outside the United States and Britain will find a hilariously long list of "rules" that are enforced by EMI's antipiracy software.
Among them are no converting songs into MP3 format and no ripping and storing songs on a hard drive or CD. "Some" CD players, car stereos, DVD players and PC's will not play the CD. It cannot be played on a Mac.
EMI, with no apparent irony, tells CD buyers that the rules are enforced "in order for you to enjoy high quality music."
Almost as funny - but not quite - is a parody at Groklaw.com for ColdPizza.
One rule: "This FOOD PRODUCT cannot be reheated using an unauthorized FOOD PRODUCT Reheating (FP-R) device."