Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Assistant U.S. District Attorney

The judicial blog Underneath Their Robes appears to have been replaced by "some Department-of-Justice-ish login/password thingee," and tempts the hacker to find a workaround for some insertion scripts keeping faith to the faux-bloggers' thingee about assertions, insertion(s), honesty, and integrity.

The New Yorker magazine, November 21 issue posted November 14, 2005, revealed that the site's pseudonymous author was David Lat, an Assistant U.S. District Attorney, aka "Article III Groupie" (Article III of the Constitution established the federal judiciary; and groupie's like insertions).

"A3G", as she/he called herself/himself, wrote like a boozy débutante, dishing about the wardrobes, work habits, and idiosyncrasies of the “superhotties of the federal judiciary” and “Bodacious Babes of the Bench.”


David Lat remains very catty, in that, after months of self-references regarding what "she" likes in her hotties of the federal judiciary, his/her response to the NYer piece seems to be wanting to, ah, have it both ways.

"A3G" argues that he is no more the "Article 3 Groupie" who is the blog's narrator than "Vladimir Nabokov 'was' Humbert Humbert." He/she also says that he emailed A3G when he had an idea and that he often disagreed with A3G.

Mr./Ms./Miss "A3G" also steadfastly maintains that, "my persistent denials of being A3G have been, in a technical and perhaps Clintonian sense, quite correct." Thus, I wonder if those in the legal profession should be required to undergo psychiatric screenings!


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