Saturday, August 13, 2005

∑ [535+(270/538)+9]

There are 535 in Congress + a President elected by the electoral college + 9 members of the Supreme Court. This is the American formula for its brand of liberal democracy.

The 535 members of Congress can more promptly correct a bad federal law they previously passed than the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court can correct a bad decision.

Watchdogs: On the left (Whigs) - “The Nation” founded in 1865 by Edwin Lawrence Godkin (October 2, 1831-May 21, 1902), and on the right (Tories) - the “National Review” founded in 1955 by William Frank Buckley, Jr. (born November 24, 1925).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nota bene... 7 out of 535 members of congress have children in the military, which results in 1.3% of congress. The military has less than 3 million members out of a population of 294 million people which results in a 1.02% representation ratio. Therefore is it readily apparent that the children of congressional members are more than represented in the military?

10:45 AM  

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